Human Resources: New Employees » Superintendent's Welcome Message

Superintendent's Welcome Message

superintendentWelcome to the Lynwood Unified School District! We are pleased to have you join our community of ambitious students and staff who are collaborating to raise the bar of achievement in our District. At Lynwood Unified, the part you play in shaping the leaders of tomorrow is invaluable and we want to ensure you have all the support needed to thrive in your position.

This handbook was designed as a guide to assist you in your role with the District, but it is by no means the only resource for your success here. We are all invested in your well-being at Lynwood Unified as friends and colleagues committed to the same goal of inspiring children. Please don’t hesitate to lean on us as you grow in your new position.

The doors to our Human Resources Department are always open to you for any questions or concerns regarding your work here. I want to thank you for making Lynwood Unified School District your place of employment, and it is my hope that it will serve even more than that.

Again, welcome to Lynwood Unified, and I very much look forward to working alongside you.


Gudiel R. Crosthwaite, Ph.D.