Significant Progress at Lynwood High School Imperial Campus

The Lynwood High School Imperial Campus has undergone significant changes, with the primary classroom building being demolished in February and the removal of deep concrete foundations and columns completed this spring. Most recently, the site underwent a soil stabilization treatment, marking the final site activity before construction begins in the fall.

On June 19, contractors completed the soil treatment to ensure dust does not enter the neighborhood over the summer on windy days as plans for constructing the 175,000-square-foot classroom facility continue to progress.

Over the last several months, the District secured design and construction approval from the California Division of the State Architect, a critical step that demonstrates plans comply with state building codes and safety regulations. Additionally, the District has approved a Project Labor Agreement (PLA), which ensures union benefits for the workers employed to complete the construction.

Maintaining the project’s momentum, the District hosted a job walk on June 12 for potential construction companies, providing contractors that underwent a rigorous prequalification process with detailed project information. The prequalification scrutinizes each contractor's financial stability, safety record and project expertise to minimize delays, control costs and mitigate safety risks.

Contractors are now in the process of developing their bids, which are expected to open in August. After Board approval this fall, the District will commence the deep soil mixing phase, which involves creating a robust foundation by adding hundreds of underground columns. Following the completion of this foundational work, full-scale construction will begin.

The new central classroom building is designed to offer cutting-edge educational facilities, including a culinary arts kitchen, state-of-the-art medical training labs, and art facilities that promote hands-on learning experiences. The campus will also feature new softball and baseball fields, significantly enhancing athletic activities.

The restored campus is set to reopen in fall 2027. To stay updated and view project details, visit
